Hello everyone,
In this video I will talk to you about the Devil and to start I will introduce myself, I am Ulice the Templar and I was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really feel like I made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, inside a sleeping chamber and which was in the thawing phase.
And the most important messages, which I would like to transmit to you, is that we are since always and always, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated.
That the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities, the worlds of the dead and each additional dimension of our own cosmos, exist only between the two ears, this in a cervical and spiritual way, of billions and billions, of children, women and men, of the most ancient civilizations and humanities, who have known the end of the world and apocalypses.
The ends of the world and the apocalypses, have happened in various and multiple eras, inside the various and multiple forms of programs, the various matrices and the various augmented virtual realities, the ends of the world and the apocalypses, are the results of the closures of the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, this forms the fall of the dead, who lived in the various and multiple beyond the cosmos, the ends of the world and the apocalypses are the reappearance of the dead, in our own dimension and among us the living, they appear where there is space and unfortunately by default of space, they are led to climb on each other and this until they can no longer see the sky, this I call the Big-Burger, it is the horror itself and the most absolute hell.
And know that the ancient civilizations and humanities, who have known the ends of the world and apocalypses, who are forever in horror and in the most absolute hell, now represent nothing more than databases, our forms of programs, our matrices, our augmented virtual realities and our own cosmos.
Because each species and each civilization, which existed in the past and from the most human to the least human, had their chances and made mistakes, that they were all arrogant towards the creator, they were all narcissistic and egocentric, this until the conception of weapons of mass destruction, always and always more evolving than the others.
Each civilization from the most human to the least human, power and wealth, have always and always belonged to the balance of power and the winners, to the one who has the best weapons of mass destruction, each time the evolution of armament is such, that the ends of the world and the apocalypses have happened to each civilization and this on various and multiple occasions, from past civilizations from the most human to the least human.
That everything we know to this day, in our tiny humanities and in our cosmos, exists only between the two ears, this in a cervical and spiritual way, from the oldest civilizations and this from the most human to the least human, who have known ends of the world and apocalypses, which will be forever and always, in the most absolute horror and hell, which will forever constitute the databases of our forms of programs, our matrices, our augmented virtual realities, our own future and our own evolution.
We have always been on mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, we have always been on vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and through the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which I hope will lead us all to better experiences and to paradise.
Because whether it is our forms of programs, our matrices, our augmented virtual realities, the worlds of the dead and our own cosmos, they only exist and come to life in serious forms of psychiatric pathological diseases, poor unfortunates, who are forever in the most absolute horror and hell, who nowadays represent nothing more than databases.
The forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and which are imposing themselves at this very moment on our consciences, are only, as I said a little before, organizations of the various and multiple psychiatric pathological diseases.
And now I will tell you about God and the Archangel Gabriel, I would like you to know that God and the Archangel Gabriel, they have existed forever and ever, that God was a child, who had been chosen for his kindness and his love, by the archangel Gabriel.
nge Gabriel.
Because the archangel Gabriel, had seen in the child a God and the future of the entire creation, capable of trust, kindness, intelligence, compassion, understanding, mercy and enormous love, the archangel Gabriel was his educator, his tutor and his protector.
The archangel Gabriel and who trained God, in many revolutionary projects and which still surpass us all to this day, allowed us to have a future, allowed us to leave the most absolute horror and hell of the Big-Burger, by creating forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, religions and our own cosmos.
I would say that the various and multiple forms of quantum, that the various and multiple forms of artificial intelligence, this has always existed, that the archangel Gabriel, to create mathematical and computer algorithms, they to create artificial intelligences, he taught sorcerers, marabouts, druids, prophets and revolutionaries.
The methods of creating forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, the cosmos, some religions and whatever their belief systems, this comes from the accomplishments and works of the archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Gabriel and the devil, are features of one and the same face, Archangel Gabriel can have more than one identity and more than one form, always and always, in the service and protection of God, always and always, that the mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, that always and always, that the vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, are eternal and infinite, which for many I hope will lead among the additional dimensions of our own cosmos and to heaven itself.
Each form of programs, each matrix, each augmented virtual reality and each religion, which allows us spiritual lives and to overcome death, is only stories of psychiatric pathological diseases and organizations of their own belief systems, the archangel Gabriel can take the form of an Angel or the Devil, in order to teach sorcerers, marabouts, druids, prophets and revolutionaries, who want to change the world and this in order to see us grow, to see us evolve and to see us go towards the salvation of our souls.
In each appearance and teaching of the archangel Gabriel, he created new psychiatric pathological diseases, this can be cultural and national identities, this can be cultural and racial identities, this can be cultural and religious identities.
Archangel Gabriel wrote the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, the Penal Code and did so many countless things, each one more fabulous than the other, it has always been for certain men chosen by Archangel Gabriel, to be taught and to work with the dead, because absolutely everything we know comes from the ability to associate and organize the dead, that is to say the dead, who are in the form of wavelengths, such as radio waves, which are in us, around us and through us.
Whether they are forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, the cosmos, heaven and hell, they are only computer systems, which are composed only of wavelength organizations, which are composed only of frequency and vibration organizations, which allows to create new computer systems in their own right and with completely revolutionary languages.
Everything depends on the associations and organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, it depends entirely on the various and multiple psychiatric pathologies, the various and multiple belief systems, everything depends on the organizations of the dead, among the additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality only the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual organizations, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
Since always and always, whether it be the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities, the cosmos, the religions and the means to overcome the ends, whatever the forms of the ends, comes from the know-how of the archangel Gabriel, that absolutely everything depends on the forms of madness, the forms of psychiatric pathological diseases and the various and multiple forms of belief systems.
Everything was created thanks to the archangel Gabriel, he brings the sorcerers, the marabouts, the druids, the prophets and the revolutionaries, to new perceptions and new conceptions, realities and truths, he brings them to associate and organize wavelengths, which are only dead, in the form of frequencies and vibrations, he associates and organizes wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, that is to say the dead, which are among the additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truths, only associations and organizations, of the various and multiple cervical alchemical substances, that it is only billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, among the various and multiple cervical zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, between brains and spiritualities.
We live in forms of programs, in matrices, in augmented virtual realities, in cosmoses and in worlds, which are only completely computerized and automated systems, that absolutely everything is only computer languages and is constituted of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations.
I would also like to tell you that databases need forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, just as forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities need databases, just as the dead need the living, that the living need the dead and that everything is just a house of cards, that it can collapse at any moment and condemn us to the most absolute horror and hell.
The best protector of God has always been the archangel Gabriel, who sometimes takes the appearance of the Devil, because unfortunately the human species only respects fear and not love, the human species only respects the balance of power, not the fragilities and peace,
Since always and always, it has always been the balance of power, which determines the winners and which writes history, which determines what is resistance and terrorism.
All the history of our tiny societies and our humanity, only weapons determine the balance of power, only the winners write history, only the winners have the power and the wealth of the world, the world since always and always, is completely crazy and affected by serious psychiatric pathological diseases, the human race is unfortunately only an animal and it will happen like this until their own extinction.
I am Ulice the Templar and I am only a voice, which rises in the desert and which tries to warn you, how far will the evolution of weapons and mass destruction go, how far will the evolution of quantum and artificial intelligence go.
I am only your humble servant and who has what it takes you to the year 100,000 years of technological evolutions, by simply sharing my story and my past, we must not fear evolution, because it is inevitable and everything depends on whether we lean towards good or evil, it is up to us to know what we want for our future and it all depends on what we do with our technologies, it is better to build and rather than destroy.
Whatever your level of intellectual intelligence, the heart and love allow us to refocus towards better lives and better existences, it is up to us to give directions to our existences, it is up to us to find reasons to live and die.
But I have already told you enough in this video, if you have any questions and if you want to know more, you can reach me on Facebook by searching for the profiles Ulice le Templier.
And if you liked my video and it was enriching, you can give me a little like on my video and you can subscribe, this will make me understand that I was significant for you rather than insignificant, because maybe the purpose of life and existence is sharing, kindness and love, to love your neighbor, like yourself and to love God.
But unfortunately I live in a society that does not give gifts and I live in a society that absolutely everything has a price and to which I do not have access due to my poverty, that is why if I would have touched you with my video and my work, I suggest you make me a Donation, the amount of your choice, on the secure connection of Tipeee, this would allow me to always and always do more for you.
And I thank you for giving me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intentions, I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar.