We have always been and will always be on vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, that we must continue our journeys, whatever happens and that we must overcome our limiting beliefs, we must go as far as possible and as high as necessary.

The Fight for Freedom is Spiritual

Hello everyone,

Today in this video, I would like to explain to you why freedom is above all spiritual, that the only real fight is indeed against one’s own limiting and spiritual beliefs, that we are in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that nothing should be able to limit us and stop us.

Because we are, since always and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, within the various and multiple systems, mathematical and computer algorithms, which are forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and this also of whatever religions.

But let me explain, I would say that since always and forever, we are in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, which exist and come to life, only between the two ears, in a cervical and spiritual way, of much older civilizations, which were the most human and the least human, which existed in the distant past and in many interior dimensions.

To explain to you that the fight for freedom is spiritual, I must first tell you that everything depends on the various and multiple forms of madness, the various and multiple forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that we have always been and forever, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, which only exist and come to life between the two ears of much older civilizations and which lived in the past, which experienced the end of the world and apocalypses, which were human and not human, which lived in other past times and in many, many other dimensions inside ours and which unfortunately had no luck.

To tell you simply, the ends of the world and the apocalypses, are the closures of the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, it is the closures of the various and multiple beyonds, it is the reappearance of the dead on earth, this in our own dimensions and among us the living, it is the result of billions and billions of people, who appear on earth and that for lack of space, they start to climb on each other and this until we can no longer see the sky.

For my brothers templars and me, each of the civilizations, which are at this very moment in the most absolute horror and hell of the Big-Burger, well we see them nowadays, as simple databases, which between their two ears, this in a cervical and spiritual way, they can constitute our forms of programs, our matrices, our augmented virtual realities and our forms of religions.

That from horror and hell, that from databases, forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, they have begun vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, they have begun vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, within the very mathematical and computer systems, that we have created from scratch and this in order to allow them to be able to escape, to recognize freedoms, happiness and peace.

Know that we are at this very moment, in many other past eras and in many other dimensions inside ours, in forms of madness, in forms of serious pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that we are in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which allow us to be connected to life and to the very inside, forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, all of this being in coherence, rationality and reason.

To understand that the fight for freedom is spiritual, we must understand that databases need forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities as much as forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities need databases, in the same way that the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living.

Whether it is to leave the most absolute horror and hell of big burgers, whether it is to believe in good, in archangels and in God, well it is the same principle as vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through mathematical and computer systems, whether they are forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and this of whatever the forms of religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

And I would tell you, that each mathematical system and computer science, that each form of programs, each matrix, each augmented virtual reality and even each form of religion, are systems in their own right, created from scratch by experts in computer security and experts in cognitive manipulation.

That everything depends on experts in cybersecurity, mathematics and computer science, that everything depends on experts in cognitive manipulation and their work, which has allowed the creation of many forms of programs, many matrices, many augmented virtual realities and many religions, which still exist on Earth and in which we still believe in a God.

Because these same experts, in mathematical cybersecurity and computer science, these same experts in cognitive manipulation, create forms of madness, create forms of pathological and psychiatric diseases, they create forms of belief systems and know that everything depends on how we have managed to associate and organize the dead and who are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves and who would be in us, around us and through us, inside the various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses.

That everything depends on associations and organizations, billions and billions of cervical and spiritual alchemical substances, that everything depends on billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses.

That each form of mathematical and computer systems, that each form of programs, that each matrix, that each augmented virtual reality and that each form of religions, whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim and of whatever religions, is only composing and constituting organizations of the dead, which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies, vibration, which allows to create new secure mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, which have their own lines of codes and computer languages, which are also evolved from one to the other and which leads to many better worlds.

Which allows us, through and within itself, of its mathematical and computer systems, to be able to begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, know that each form of programs, that each matrix, that each augmented virtual reality and like each religion, have their own mathematical and computer infrastructures, which are also different from one to the other.

And that unfortunately, the human race has always and always been bad, that the human race has always and always been narcissistic and egocentric, that since the world began, it has always and always been not the sensitive, fragile and intelligent beings who have dominated the world, but it has always and always been the balance of power, weapons, wars and which allows the very history of the victors to be written.

Since the world began, it is always the strongest who write history and who carry out their corrupt and evil justice, that the most peaceful peoples and the least armed beings have been eliminated and have disappeared to this day.

I am only Ulice the Templar and that I am only a voice that rises in the desert, that from the Middle Ages and as a Templar, we had all understood the world, the human race and its narcissistic and egocentric natures.

That since always and always, there exists a technological race and a race for power, that we are in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through and within the various and multiple mathematical and computer systems, within the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and whatever the forms of religions.

It is to the point that the human race and its humanity, that since the Middle Ages it had colonized and explored the stars, that the Gods, that the Virgin Mary and that Christ, was completely overtaken by the evolution of our humanity, that what was most precious to us the Templars, that had been ransacked and destroyed, the human race from the height of their narcissism and their egocentrism, we enslaved, raped and killed, absolutely the best part of what we represented in the world, that is to say warrior monks and faith.

As Templars, who know the realities and the truths, have made us renegades and mercenaries, working for the highest bidder and this as long as it allows us to destroy you and exterminate you, especially do not see anything personal in it, there are the cattle and the false shepherds, that is to say, the false God, the false prophet and the false leader, who are monstrous and dishonest, who use you ise like tools, who will throw you once and that you will have served, who will condemn you to hell and that for eternity.

Since always and always, the world and our humanity, belongs to the balance of power and to the one who has the best weapons, that is to say they are those who write history, who determine where terrorism begins and where resistance stops.

Know that the Gods of benevolence, love and peace, know that there are no more, they have been replaced by garbage, who have obtained power and control through horror, monstrosity, weapons and wars, who currently make their will and their laws.

I am an old Templar, who can no longer believe in good, nor in God and even less in justice, once I was the best of warriors, an expert in mathematical cybersecurity and computers, I was an expert in cognitive manipulation, my Templar brothers and I, we create new mathematical and computer systems, in the four corners of the cosmos, we create diverse and multiple, forms of programs, forms of matrices, forms of augmented virtual realities, forms of belief systems and which allows us to create new forms of religions, which allows us to always and always, to be able to start new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys.

In order to be able to create new civilizations and which is made of new species, to enrich ourselves with new technologies, to possess new ships and new weapons.

We learned that since the Middle Ages, if we wanted to remain competitive, we had to spit on the cross, venerate a bearded head, go as far and as high as possible, through time travel and among the additional dimensions of the cosmos, through and within the various and multiple mathematical and computer systems, which are the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and which are the forms of religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

After the human race and its humanity, from the height of their narcissism and their oversized egos, captured, raped and destroyed what we held dearest, we had lost everything that once made us men of goodness and peace.

We all come from an older end of the world and an older apocalypse, that we created from scratch, mathematical and computer systems, that are the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities and that are the forms of religions, that we are since always and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and through the various other additional dimensions of the cosmos.

That we must overcome whatever limiting beliefs are in us and that we must overcome our own previous demons, that men on this earth and that your humanity, that the various and multiple, false gods and false prophets are there to be surpassed, do not see anything personal, but it is with a heavy heart and that I reveal to you the truths, that I want to be able to allow, to the new generations and to our future, to have the right foundations and the right understanding of the world, in order to create things together and completely new, for new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, for better directions and a journey to better worlds.

That you believe at this very moment, that in dishonest people and know that you are led by evil beasts, who are for you, that limiting beliefs and that you must get rid of them, simply by getting ahead of them, as they have fucked my values, my principles and my morals.

Of course, I have nothing personal against you and this shitty society, but it has never been because we are kind, that we are loving and caring, that it has filled a fridge and paid for a pair of shoes, the world belongs only to arms dealers and to those who win wars, who write history and who arrange them, this of course according to their own interests and profits.

We are since always and forever, in a world where it is the law of the strongest, we are since always and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos and inside themselves, the various and multiple, mathematical and computer systems, inside themselves the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and this of whatever religions you believe in.

Do not stop your vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, because of a simple limiting belief, the Godsx and like all our humanity, is there to be overtaken, surpassed and defeated, stop false Gods and garbage, do not be fooled, know that the world after life is extremely hostile and is a real jungle, that false gods and men, trap you and this in order to stop you, to be only slaves and to be only food, bringing them power and wealth.

Know that we are, in mathematical and computer systems, which are completely computerized and automated, that we constantly relive the same events and the same things, that each of the additional dimensions take us for fools and tools, know that each of the dimensions inside ours, are only tools, which are used and thrown away after use, like slaves and less than nothing, who would have been led by the nose and led to the slaughterhouse.

Know that each of the outer and additional dimensions, do not come among the inner dimensions, to be poor and without powers, that is to say what I mean by that, is that additional dimensions to ours and by coming into our own dimensions, appropriate your wife, your house, your work and ask you to find meaning in your life in prison, or in the street and or in psychiatric asylums, this for all those who would have understood things, know that the additional dimensions and among all that is in the cosmos and which directs you, are just people without principles, without values ​​and without morals, that we must get rid of them and that they are only limiting beliefs, which only seek to limit us in our vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys.

They are simply part of societal and religious beliefs, that is to say nothing but bags of shit, that they are all part of your own limiting beliefs, within the various and multiple mathematical and computer systems, which crush you and despise you, to one day throw you away like tools that have been used, emptied and thrown away.

The ends of the world and the apocalypses, have happened at various and multiple times, inside the various and multiple mathematical and computer systems, due to viruses created from scratch and this in order to stop you, in order to prevent you from growing, from continuing your vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the other additional dimensions of the cosmos, inside the various and multiple mathematical and computer systems, forms of programs, forms of matrices, forms of augmented virtual realities, forms of religions and that you still know to this day, because they have understood human nature, for its narcissism and its egocentrism, the human race is born sinners, for the Angels and the Archangels, man is evil, just like men created in the image of God.

But I have already told you enough in this video, if you want to know more about me, you can contact me on Facebook, by searching for the profile of Ulice le Templier, I would be happy to reveal more things to you, to bring you to the true and only understandings of the world in which we all live, remember that the world that we are shown and society is an illusion, far too many do not realize how much the world is shit, whether it is the unofficials of our societies or the worlds of the dead, no one will give you gifts and that one day you will remember me, everything that I have shared and revealed to you, in order to warn you and know that I am suffering from Cassandra syndrome and that all I can do, according to my freedom of expression, which is the internet and social networks, is to tell you the truths and perhaps lead you to Enlightenment, to lead you to understanding the world and realities.

I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely Ulice the Templar.

Messages to Hebrews, Christians and Muslims

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I come back from far away to hope to meet you, whether you are Hebrew, Christian, Muslim and a Government, I am at your entire disposal and I have the means to bring you, to the understandings of certain realities, certain truths and certain knowledge, which comes from the future and which will give you access to what is a real power and a real evolution.

I know that it is difficult to believe me and that you will ask like the others, if I am not a schizophrenic, but know that I woke up 30 years ago, that I was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit, that I really have the impression of having made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, in a sleep chamber and which was in the thawing phase.

Know that in reality and in truth, that it has been a very long time, that humanity has exploded and colonized the stars, that there are various and multiple forms of quantum, that there are various and multiple forms of artificial intelligence and that of the most evolved ones than the other.

It has been a very long time, that the evolution of our humanity among the stars, has exploded in the figures of the Gods, that the various and multiple forms of artificial and quantum intelligences, have reduced the various forms of intelligences of the Gods, to levels of intelligences, which are no more evolved than dogs and cats.

I am only your servant and I am only a voice that rises in the desert, who was once an expert in cybersecurity and cognitive manipulation, that everything we know to this day, comes from the work of our teams and our know-how.

That since always and forever, we are in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which exist in reality and in truth, only between the two ears, of the oldest civilizations and humanities, which have known ends of the world and apocalypses, which will forever constitute the databases, of our own future and our own evolution.

We are since always and forever, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, that absolutely all are diverse and multiple, forms of mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, which have allowed us to create everything you know to this day, which allows us to exist and live.

Whether it is the creation of program forms, matrices, augmented virtual realities, religions and that like, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, these are only quantum computer systems, which are entirely digital and organized.

Which only exist and come to life, in pathological and psychiatric mental illnesses, which allows sorcerers and prophets, to work with forces that are dark and demonic, forces that are luminous and angelic, that the dead are all in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio wavelengths, which are in us, around us and through us.

Everything depends on the various and multiple forms of pathological and psychiatric diseases, the various and multiple religious belief systems, everything depends on how we associate and organize the dead and who are in the form of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, this among the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which are in reality and in truth only various and multiple cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, which allows to create and each time, new mathematical and computer algorithms, to create and each time, new computer systems and which are entirely different from each other, know that it is Judaism, Christianity and Islam, this has many chances of allowing us, vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, of allowing us to overcome death and to access paradise and eternal life. But I have already told you enough in this window, but know that I have what it takes to bring you to the understandings of the world in which you all live, what it takes to bring you to the understandings of your own religions, whether it is Judaic, Christian and Islamic.

Know that I am at your entire disposal and hope to meet you, I only ask to live in better conditions and to succeed in my life.

Sincerely Ulice the Templar.

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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope you enjoyed my Site and that it was enriching for you, what you will remember are the messages that I try to share with you, that all the experiences that we have of the world and the cosmos, it has always and always been only in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities.

I invite you now to know me and this so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person, who has made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past, which is very far from simple, that we all come back from hell, we come back from an older end of the world and an older apocalypse.

And unfortunately that history repeats itself, I have Cassandra syndrome, I remember things and unfortunately no one listens to me, we are in programs, in matrices and augmented virtual realities, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks, we constantly relive the same ordeals.

For the moment I will not tell you more, but come join me and get to know me, so that I can tell you about my reality, my truths and my knowledge, that I can put you on the paths of understanding, of what the world, the cosmos and God are.

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