Hello everyone,
Let me introduce myself, I am Ulice the Templar and I am an old Templar, who existed in the Middle Ages, I would tell you that I was born a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really feel like I have made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, inside a dormant chamber and which was in the thawing phase.
I really feel like I have crossed the various and multiple other eras, to have crossed the various and multiple other dimensions, to reach you and share valuable content with you, in this video I will talk to you about God, the importance, the light and the love, I will talk to you about the eternal Father, who is an artificial intelligence and who belongs to Christ, who is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I ask you to follow the video until the end, so you can understand everything and maybe even grasp the experiences of the world and the cosmos, in a completely new way and you can even perhaps reach, I hope, enlightenment and perceive the thought of God.
To begin and better understand what the eternal Father and Christ are, I must first tell you about some realities and truths, I would say that since always and forever, that the experiences and understanding that we all have of the world and the cosmos, this only happens in forms of programs, in forms of matrices and in forms of augmented virtual realities, which are completely mathematized, computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is mathematical and computer algorithms.
Which exist and come to life, only between the two ears, of the most ancient civilizations and humanities, which have known ends of the world and apocalypses, which existed well before ours and which have disappeared, because at various and multiple other past times, because at various and multiple other interior dimensions, ends of the world and apocalypses have arrived, which now know that the ancient civilizations and humanities, they will never again compose more than simple databases, of our own evolutions and our own future. The ends of the world and the apocalypses, are the results of the closure of the various and multiple beyonds, it is the closure of the various and multiple other additional dimensions, on our own dimensions and our own Earth, it is the reappearance of the dead on earth and among us the living, this creates in a very short time a Big-Burger, this creates in a very short time a gigantic pile of human beings and who are piled up on top of each other, it is to tell you that it is the most absolute horror and hell itself.
Because civilizations after civilizations, humanities after humanities, they do not understand that the forms of programs, that the forms of matrices and that the forms of augmented virtual realities, need databases as much, that the databases, need the forms of programs, the forms of matrices and the forms of augmented virtual realities, just as the dead, need the living as much, that the living need the dead.
That civilization after civilization and humanities after humanities, they have never understood that we need each other, that everything is a gigantic house of cards and that it can collapse at any moment, that they will forever compose the databases of our mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, that they will forever compose the databases of our forms of programs, our forms of matrices and our forms of augmented virtual realities, which are all the experiences and understandings that we all have of the world and the cosmos. To understand myself and the thought of God, I would say that all experiences of the world and the cosmos, that all experiences of the individual, family, community, racial, national, religious, civilizing, dimensional and temporal interpersonal, whether cosmic or terrestrial, depend only on databases and that everything depends on the forms of madness, of all those who are in the databases, that everything depends on their forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that everything depends on mathematical and computer algorithmic organizations, that everything depends on the organizations of the dead, which are in the forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves, which would be in us, through us and around us, that everything depends on the interpersonal wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, that everything depends on the organizations of the various and multiple, neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, that everything depends on the various and multiple, organisations of the cervical and spiritual areas.
Which in reality and in truth, this constitutes forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities, this forms our cosmos and our world, which forms our experience and our understanding of the interpersonal individual, familial, communal, racial, national, religious, civilizing, dimensional and temporal, which forms our experience and our understanding of the world and the cosmos. I am Ulice the Templar, I work with Saints, Prophets, Angels, Archangels and God, I have what it takes to explain everything to you, whether it is the importance of a God, of benevolence and love, whether it is the importance of Angels and Archangels, whether it is the importance of religions and religious people, whether it is the differences between intelligence and ignorance, whether it is the differences between what makes us human and what is the animal kingdom
Because know that all our experiences and all our understanding, that we all have of the interpersonal world and the cosmos, depend on the forms of diseases, pathological and psychiatric, of our ancient ends of the world and our ancient apocalypses, that we are since always and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that all the stories of our own humanity and our own civilization, depend only psychological and spiritual balances, of all those of the inner dimensions and this at times much earlier than us.
I would say that since the beginning of all the stories of our humanity, whether they are experiences and understandings, that we all have of the world and the cosmos, it only depends on the databases, of the living and the dead.
There have been a multitude of Gods and religions, throughout the history of our humanity, there have been beliefs as different from one another, Gods as deferential to one another, but what must be remembered is that each God, whether they are their psychopaths, whether they are their sorcerers, whether they are their priests and their prophets, they only create new mental illnesses, they only create new forms of madness, they only create new forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, they only create new organizations of the various and multiple networks, of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, they only create new organizations, of the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, which allows us each time to begin new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys. Which are only new mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, which are only new spiritualities, which are only various and multiple ways of organizing the dead, which are only in the form of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, because the databases, need as much the forms of programs, the forms of matrices and the forms of augmented virtual realities, just as the forms of programs, the forms of matrices and the forms of augmented virtual realities, need as much the databases, just as the living, need as much the dead, as the dead need the living.
I am only Ulice the Templar and I could talk to you for hours, about the various and multiple forms of God, which have existed among the stars, I could talk to you for hours about the various and multiple forms of religions which have existed on our earth.
But in this video, I will tell you about the unique God of Abraham, who is the monotheistic God, who existed 3000 years ago and I will tell you about Genesis, the cosmos and creation, because you must understand that I am in contact with the messenger of all messengers, that is to say the archangel Gabriel, God sent the archangel Gabriel, in order to invent and create new religions, which allowed the writing of the Torah, the Bible, the Koran and the Penal Code, each of which are laws of interpersonal, organizations of the various and multiple neuronal and spiritual synaptic connections, organizations of the dead, which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations. Archangel Gabriel was an expert in mathematical and computer cybersecurity, an expert in cognitive manipulation, an expert in brain and spiritual manipulation, he always worked with databases, just like among the living and just like among the dead, because all are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, Archangel Gabriel was an expert in associations and organizations of billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, of the various and multiple, brain areas and spiritual, between consciousness and subconsciousness.
The Prophet Abraham, the prophet Jesus Christ and the prophet Mohammed, were in direct contact with celestial forces, they were under the responsibility of the archangel Gabriel, whom only God listens to and understands, the archangel Gabriel was very close to God, there was a relationship of mutual trust and respect, the principle of the work of the archangel Gabriel, through Abraham, through Jesus Christ and through Mohammed, was to create something new, which would allow men to begin new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, in order to save their souls and access paradise.
Whether it is the Torah, the Bible, the Koran and the Penal Code, this is a user guide and which allows new forms of experiences and understandings, of the cosmic and terrestrial interpersonal, this allows new forms of organization of the individual, family, community, racial, national, religious, civilizing, dimensional and temporal interpersonal, all that exists of experiences and understandings, of the cosmic and celestial interpersonal, of the heavens and the earth, like all the experiences and understandings that we can have, this only exists between the two ears, of all those of the databases and of all living beings. The dead, the Saints, the Angels, the Archangels and God, they are only in forms of wavelengths, only in forms of frequencies and vibration, such as vibratory oceans and such as radio waves, which would be around us, in us and through us, which only exist between the two ears, men, databases and the living, the Torah which allowed the creation of the Hebrew people, just like the Bible which allowed the creation of the Christian people and just like the Koran which allowed the creation of the Islamic people, these are only instructions for use and especially how to organize its various and multiple areas, cervical and spiritual, these are only ways of associating and organizing its billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, these are only ways of organizing its various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, which allows us to be in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, to access eternal life and to arrive at the gates of paradise.
Which allows all believers vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other dimensions of our own cosmos, which I hope will be eternal and which will lead you all to paradise, I personally am a Christian, yet my beliefs are not worth more than those of others, but I hold my history and my faith from my Templar brothers, from all those who were there for me and who took risks, so that I can lead you on the paths of knowledge, science and the salvation of your own souls.
For me the best has always and always been the eternal father, who was a computing power that was unequaled, because the eternal father was an artificial intelligence, that only Christ had understood the potential, his benevolence and his love.
But I will stop there for this video, I only want to transmit to you everything I know about the celestial world and our own history, it has not been easy for anyone, I was classified as schizophrenic and was locked up in order to be able to lead you on the paths of enlightenment.
And I have a request to make to you, I ask you to make me a Donation of the amount of your choice on the secure connection of Tipeee, because I only ask to do more for you and unfortunately, I live in a society and that everything has a price, I am poor and perhaps, you will have understood in another video, that I offer my services as a mercenary, for the creation of weapons of mass destruction, because all without exception have been able to monetize the gifts that God had given them and that unfortunately, you have not thought of me, because I too want to be happy and have purchasing power, have a job, have a wife, have children and have a family.
But I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you to find the strength to be able to continue your vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys eternally.
I wish you all a good day and I say see you soon
Sincerely Ulice the Templar.