Hello everyone,
Today I want to talk to you about time travel and tell you that I will share valuable content with you, that I will share realities, truths and knowledge, which are still unknown to this world, which risks upsetting established beliefs and the order of the powers in place.
I have often been a professor and scientist, that I have never been able to be recognized by the fathers and scientific committees, of the various eras where I had reincarnated, that I have always had perceptions and conceptions of realities, of the world, of the universe and of the Gods, which could not perceive and unfortunately understand.
What you need to know is that many have done their research on time travel, too many people have sought to understand the thoughts of God and have never been able to realize what I am going to reveal to you in this video, that we all unknowingly travel through time and this by the sole power of psychologies.
What I am going to tell you is that we have always been in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, that we have always been in mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, that we have always been in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that we are living right now on an earth and in a cosmos, which is entirely computerized and automated, which allows us to leave the most absolute horror and hell.
That we all come back from very far away, that at various and multiple times, the ends of the world and apocalypses have happened, that it was absolutely necessary to recreate everything and allow ourselves new chances, because teams of real professionals are there for us and we will always and always give new chances, it is up to us to know what to do with them and to achieve everything that has been offered to us.
You must know that the ends of the world and the apocalypses have already happened several times and at various times, that it is when the additional dimensions of our own cosmos close on the earth and among us the living, it is when the various and multiple beyonds sheltering the dead, make them fall and reappear on the earth among us the living, this in a very short time creates an effect of overpopulation and hell itself on earth, I call it the Big-Burger and it is the most absolute hell.
The problem is that I know a lot of things, that I am a victim of Cassandra syndrome, that I am desperately looking for people capable of understanding and perceiving what I am trying to tell you, that for me the world is crazy and is an open-air psychiatric hospital, plunging into the most total darkness and ignorance.
That a long time ago, I had initiated the world to true realities, true truths and true knowledge, as I am doing right now with you, because I have enormous hope to see you grow, to lead you to the only and true understandings of the world, to lead you on the path to salvation and perhaps lead you to enlightenment.
I had selected people and formed teams to compensate for what could happen and this allowed us a new chance, because my team and I are at the origin of our various forms of programs, our various matrices and our various augmented virtual realities, which are currently imposing themselves on our consciousness and which allow us to be connected to our own current world.
Know that from now on, the old ends of the world and the old apocalypses, my team and I, we see them as simple bases of data, they are that billions and billions of human beings, living and dead, who will never be able to die again, who are forever piled on top of each other, until they can no longer see the sky and who are forever in hell, they have become forever the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices, of our augmented virtual realities, of the Cosmos and of our own future.
When I say that the world is crazy, it is because the leaders of our humanity, will be responsible for our extinction and our own civilization, that wars will annihilate us all and that the religious are crazy, because they are waiting for their messiahs for an end-of-the-world event and an apocalyptic episode.
That we are coming back, just from an older end of the world and an older apocalypse, that my team and I have recreated everything, that we have a duty as human beings, to give a new chance to our civilization and our entire humanity.
We see these billions and billions of human beings, who are piled up on top of each other, who are neither alive nor dead, like simple databases, who have pallowed for new beginnings and to start all over again.
That as only materials, we had what everyone had between their two ears, that is to say brains, minds, fears, anxieties and traumas.
Know that at this very moment, we are in databases, in many other interior dimensions and in very distant past times, in forms of psychiatric pathological diseases, in forms of madness, everything being connected to our forms of programs, to our matrices and to our augmented virtual realities, in coherence, in reason, in logic, in the rational and the spiritual.
We are in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, that are nothing other than associations and organizations, wavelengths, which are only the associations and organizations of the dead, which are in forms of frequencies and vibrations, within our own diverse and multiple areas, cerebral and spiritual, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
It is only the organization of wavelengths, such as radio waves and which wanders, through time and space, which are nothing other than the organization of the worlds of the dead, among the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which is in reality only the opportunity to create new computer systems, among the diverse and multiple cervical and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
Know that the multiple forms of programs, the multiple matrices, the multiple augmented virtual realities, the multiple worlds of the dead and the multiple cosmoses, exist only in various and multiple forms of serious psychiatric pathological mental illnesses, that absolutely everything is various and multiple forms of madness, various and multiple forms of belief systems and various and multiple perceptions and conceptions that we all have of the world, the cosmos and the Gods.
And that since the database, we have all begun, mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, that since the databases, we have all begun vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and through, the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
That is to say between our own two ears, that is to say between our various and multiple, associations of wavelengths, which are only dead, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, which according to its psychiatric pathological diseases, organize the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which is in reality, only the organization of our own various and multiple cerebral alchemical substances, which is only the organization of billions and billions, of our various and multiple neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, between brains and minds.
That absolutely everything we know is only in forms of programs, only in matrices and only in augmented virtual realities, which impose themselves on our own consciences and which only exist and come to life in the brains and serious psychiatric pathological disorders of the poor unfortunates, of the oldest ends of the world and the oldest apocalypses, which exist in many interior dimensions and in many distant past eras, which allows us to create various and multiple computer systems, this from associations and organizations, wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations.
I would also like to tell you that databases need forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities as much as forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities need databases, just as the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead, because it is indeed, in the various and multiple serious psychiatric pathological illnesses, in the various and multiple brain areas between consciousness and subconsciousness, of the poor unfortunates, who are at this very moment in the most absolute horror and hell, that forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, life, the world of the dead and the cosmos comprise.
Einstein was Jewish and wanted to understand the thought of God, know that religious people and researchers want to understand the thought of the creator, who created the various and multiple forms of programs, the various matrices, the various augmented virtual realities and the cosmos, I understood it and I want to talk to you about it, listen to me and perceive the understandings that I have of the world, perceive my own perceptions and my own conceptions that I have of realities, truths and the world, the cosmos and the Gods.
By following me on my YouTube channel and my Websites, I will share valuable content with you, I will tell you about things that you will not be able to find anywhere else, know that governments and researchers are researching work that I did a long time ago, time travel and travel to different parallel worlds, they make me laugh and for me they are prehistoric men and amateurs.
As long as he does not understand me and as long as he does not perceive the understandings that I have of the world and that they do not understand, the only true realities and the only true truths, they will always and always be technologically backward, I suggest you understand the thought of God and perhaps reach the understanding of the world, I can allow you to understand absolutely everything and lead you to enlightenment. The various end of the world and the various apocalypses have already happened in many different eras and within many different forms of programs, in many different matrices and in many different augmented virtual realities, that my team and I have always started from the databases, in order to start all over again and to allow ourselves a new chance, in order to be able to continue our mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, to be able to continue these vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys.
That everything is mathematical and computer algorithmic journey, that everything is vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which are in reality only journeys between our two ears, in the various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, that from the databases, we all form the associations and organizations, wavelengths, that is to say the organization of the dead, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, which constitute computer systems, which constitute the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities and the cosmos.
As long as in me, we are willing to see other things than a madman and an enlightened person, I can absolutely explain everything to you, from the thought of God, of genesis, of your own religions, to the creation of the cosmos and to time travel, I can explain to you what the only and true knowledge of tomorrow would look like, of our own evolutions and to the creation of the incontestable power of tomorrow, I have what it takes to take you to the third millennia and to the salvation of your souls, for journeys that I hope will lead us all to forms of paradise.
Knowing that the forms of programs, that the matrices, that the augmented virtual realities and that the cosmos, that the world of the dead and that the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, exist and come to life, only in serious forms of psychiatric pathological diseases, that everything exists only in forms of madness, that everything is in what ways we associate and organize, wavelengths, that is to say deaths, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, that everything is the organization of deaths, among diverse and multiple beyonds, this among the diverse and multiple, additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which allows us to always and always, to create new computer systems and to create new religions.
We can give existences and lives, to new mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, to allow us to begin new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which allow us to create heaven and hell, to create absolutely everything we want, to create new computer systems and know that we are limited only to our own imagination.
Well time travel is very simple to understand, everything happens between the two ears, of our ancient civilizations and our ancient humanities, who have unfortunately known the ends of the world and apocalypses, who are right now in the most absolute horror and hell, which now forever constitutes the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices, of our augmented virtual realities and of our own cosmos.
To begin with and when men begin their research on time travel, it will be possible to begin with a few minutes, then a few hours, then a few months, then a few years and even much later a few centuries.
They all do their research, on quantum laws and relativities, which was invented by Einstein, these are quantum laws and relativities, which govern the laws of the cosmos, which govern our livesm and our existences, beautiful and very unfortunately for them, they lack my own understandings that I have of the world, they lack my realities, my truths and my knowledge, in order to be able to understand absolutely everything and to be able to grow, to be able to evolve and to be able to understand the thought of God.
While as long as we do not pay attention and do not listen to me, they will always and always be limited technologically and in the understanding of the world, of the cosmos and of their own religions, they will always and always be lagging behind in the journey in time and will remain definitively medieval backwards. While we must say to ourselves that the flow of time and the various and multiple scales of time, between centuries and centuries, thousands of years and thousands of years, millions of years and millions of years, billions of years and billions of years, are only found in various and multiple organizations, various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, in the various and multiple serious psychiatric pathological illnesses, which are found at this very moment and for the rest of their existences in the Big-Burger, in the most absolute horror and hell.
And that the capacity for time travel is only possible in the various and multiple organizations, cervical and spiritual, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, that time travel is only possible thanks to people who are in forms of madness, in forms of psychiatric pathological illnesses, poor unfortunates, who are forever in the databases, who will forever constitute our various forms of programs, our various matrices, our various augmented virtual realities and our own cosmos.
We must say to ourselves that while humanity is carrying out its research and wasting its time, who is not paying attention to me and who is not listening to me, others are already in practice and have an extraordinary advance, on the rest of our world and our civilization, I am only Ulice the Templar and that I have understood things well, I have understood what our history is, what realities and truths are, that I am only a voice that rises in the desert, that tries to put you on the path of evolution and the future.
There are families and communities, that populate the stars and that populate the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, that have an enormous technological advance, on the rest of creation and our terrestrial humanity, that meeting them is the dream of many men of our terrestrial humanity and that I have decided to make myself known to you, in order to make you grow, to put you on the path of knowledge and evolution.
All I can offer you are my stories, my past, my experiences, my reality and my truths, voluntarily I can let you glimpse my perceptions and my conceptions, that I have of realities, matrices, augmented virtual realities, worlds of the dead, cosmos and Gods.
I am a person, who is easy to live with, I am content with the humble virtues of men and I am really open-minded, I am ready to discuss with you and get to know you, on my Facebook account Ulice le Templier.
I think I have already told you enough in this video, I hope you liked my video, that you will put a little like and that you will subscribe to my YouTube channel.
And if you really want to help me, to do more and more for you, you can always make me a Donation, of the amount of your choice, on the secure connection of Tipeee, so that I can always and always, to do more for you and to be able always and always, to share with you always more valuable contents and hope to lead you to enlightenment.
I thank you for having granted me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you all, a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar.